Links for the products are in the pictures

so I guess this is just what everybody wanted and asked for. you can get a lot of the forms also on Ali express - since shops on there are closed and opened really fast I am just including Amazon links hoping they will work for most of your guys countries. From one friend to another what I use to make candles as a fun hobby.
For Hard plastic Forms it’s really important too keep an eye on the temperature - if your wax is too hot they will expand and leak a lot. you need to put some kind of putty at the hole where the wick sits in to stop the wax from leaking through. also: you have to olan a little because some waxes shrink more than others. stearin does shrink a lot when it hardens so it’s not a big problem to get the candle out of the form. different with parraffin - this is a pain to get out off hard plastic forms - so for this it’s best to mix a bit of shrinking wax in or to put them in the freezer if you can’t get them out.
soy wax is super creamy and easy to work with - it’s a good and relatively safe starter wax. Just keep in mind that shit is hot and burns if it gets on your hot oven.
I use a double boiler to melt it like you would melt chocolate.
for the silicone forms : they come without a wick hole I use a needle wich fits the wick and punch it trough where I want the wick to be. Use the same hole ever time so it doesn’t rip.
for colour these work pretty fine - you can also mix your own colors just using a tiny bit of one colour and a bit of another.
that's one good example of a melting pot since its high and it has a plastic handle wich doesnt get hot when you put it in the water bath

the links are amazon affiliate links wich doesn't make that you pay more for the things its just an option for me to make a few cents from making all these posts for free for you guys. love you.