(aka what do do with marbled fabric if you don't own a sewing machine)

( if you need a guide on how to marble fabric, there is a blog post on this as well)

you will need:
- Fabric
- Padding ( you can use iron on fleece lining and skip the spray adhesive, I had padding without iron on)
- wooden tray (got mine at the dollar store craft section)
- a pen, scissors, something to measure with

measure the inner width of your tray
mark the width on your padding (its good to take the width minus 2 mm on each side to have some room for the fabric later on)

cut your padding into strips
you will need about 4-5 times of the length of your tray since you will fold accordion like folds with it

take your spray on adhesive and spray the foam lightly to attach the fabric
make sure you don't overdo it, lightly is enough, some glues can soak through if you go heavy on the spray
cut the fabric to overlap the foam/padding about half a centimetre, so you can wrap the edge in fabric as well

once you got the front glued on, spray the sides and wrap the fabric around the edge

you should end up with long strips covered in fabric, you don't have to take care about the short sides, they will be cut off and covered by the tray

time to put the foam in and create your first fold. its basically like a plissé lamp shade or something similar.
i made the fold just as high as the trim of the tray this way everything holds itself in place

once you've reached the end of one strip cut it off where the fold meets the bottom of the tray and just put the next one in with the beginning facing the bottom as well (you can watch the reel its shown there in detail)

once you've filled everything with folds cut again where the fold meets the bottom and just fold the end into the tray

the only thing left is to fill it with your goodies, I put rings and earrings in. it keeps everything in place and you see everything at a glance.

(I made two that's why the fabric looks different in these pics)
