sooo we all saw the clips online on how to bend and twist candles - just in case you missed it: pretty easy!
Get yourself a bunch of 100% Paraffin candles and let them soak in warm water (not boiling !!!!) til they are bendable. squeeze them onto a flat surface to flatten the to part - then carefully twist and let harden at room temp.
fun part comes now:
(oh and for a vid of me doing it watch my IG TV wich I kinda postet by accident - but now its there)

take some crayon shavings and warm your candle over a tea candle - once the wax is melted just a little bit stick the shavings on with the tip of your finger
I melted a big pot of wax and dipped them in once to coat them - but the confetti does stick by itself

basically you can go all crazy