Ive used mosaic tiles and the technique in several projects now, our big flower table or the big mirror, they're all made from the same tile. some tips and tricks how to get a pretty cheap mosaic fun in more or less no time.
for the tile:
I discovered them on amazon while searching for normal mosaic tile sheets.
since these are tiles wich broke during production the are super cheap
the ones I use are linked in this picture
they come in different sizes I used my tile cutter to make the pieces smaller but that's a lil overkill for the super small pieces.
that's why I got a pair of mosaic pliers, but you can also use a pair of normal pliers.
they snap pretty easily when you prick them with the pliers
pliers are linked in this picture
when I started the mirror I was planning to include a line of pink tile
but during planning the mosaic I just went with mosaic tile only
as a base I used a mdf board
i glued the mirror aligned in the middle with strong glue like e 6000
tile cutter manual linked in this picture
then I started planning the mosaic by drawing on some flowers and lines to follow with tile
I use hot glue to glue on every tile piece by piece
the mosaic pattern looks best if you try to match the outline of your pattern as best as possible
bigger gaps can be filled in with super tiny tile pieces in the end
glue gun linked in this picture
I went with a beige tile for the main colour and for the ornaments shades of green, blue, pink and yellow
for the whole mirror I used 5 boxes each with 900 grams of tile
don't get stressed if it does take some time, see it like a big puzzle, it takes a few nights til its done
i had a few tiles left so I made a small version using one of my wooden framed mirrors as a base
I tried to tape the edges before grouting but it didn't work at all, I took it off right after I started
I just went ahead and mixed my grout as usual with water ans massaged the grout into the cracks as well as filling the sides
after the grout is on for about 10 minutes I do take a damp sponge and Smooth out the grout.
I like to work with rather thick grout, meaning I mix in just enough water so it gets a workable putty texture. when going over it with a damp sponge it smoothes out all indents etc...
one reason why you should use mdf: not normal wood boards: the water in the grout will make the wood swell wich can cause cracks - since the structure of mdf is different it doesn't swell so unpredictable as wood boards. tough: you can't put mdf into water either if its not coated with paint, but for the grout kind of wateriness its fine to use uncoated.
for the how to hang your mirror part: I use these picture frame hangings wich screw into the wood with very tiny short screws. for a 'normal' weight mirror that works just fine.
also for how to glue on the mirror: stay in the line as you can see on the pic: its marked where the online of the mirror goes. don't put too much glue, otherwise it will squeeze out. I like to use 2 component power glue
and there you go. endless options for all kinda mosaic fun.
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